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January 25, 2017

Good Things to Do in a Bad Economy

With companies letting go employees on a daily basis, the health care crisis and record numbers of home foreclosures, everyone should really try to make every effort necessary to use all of their resources as wisely as possible. It’s important to keep and eye out and take advantage of every opportunity to save money and get ahead. For example, with interest rates remaining at historical lows during the current recession now is the perfect time to make your move if you’re interested in Texas Hill country ranches for sale. However, if you’re looking for Texas Hill country land for sale, it might be best to wait and see if values are driven downward as the recession continues. Here are some other helpful ideas to get you through these difficult times.

Individuals looking to purchase a home should really jump at the chance now because first time home buyers can qualify for a substantial federal tax credit. Also, because there is a large inventory of homes on the market in most areas, sellers are highly motivated which means buyers have more power to negotiate. In addition, everyone can take advantage of the very low interest rates whether they are buying a new home or refinancing their current home.

Perhaps you can remember when your grandparents repaired household items such as televisions, shoes, vacuums and washers and dryers instead of replacing them with new items. Heels and soles can be replaced on shoes for a fraction of the cost of a new pair and purses can be easily sewn and repaired. Not only are you saving money but you are helping the economy by keeping the local shops in business. Another great idea is to have new clothing altered to fit when you buy it at bargain prices, even if it’s not your exact size.

Using environmentally friendly cleaning products is also easy on your wallet. Try a natural cleaning solution made with vinegar and water for your all-purpose cleaner or simply water and recycled black and white newspaper to wash your windows. Generations have used baking soda as a wonderful option for many cleaning chores. Commercial cleansers are expensive, potentially toxic and their plastic containers only add to landfills.

Save money by using your car less so you consume less gas and save wear and tear on your vehicle. By walking or riding your bike whenever possible, you’ll be improving your health, saving money and helping the environment. Another simple method of saving money is to pass up the junk food and other unhealthy snacks at the grocery store. If you plan your meals every week and then stick to your list of healthy ingredients when you get there, both your wallet and waistline will thank you. And, you’ll be wealthier and healthier if you kick the smoking and drinking habits, plus you could save even more on your car and medical insurance, too.

Finally, instead of going out every week to keep the family entertained, try staying at home. Even better than saving money is connecting with your family as you watch a movie, play a board game or play a game of catch in the backyard. In many cases, the economic downturn has given us the opportunity to appreciate what we have and remind us that there are things far more important than material possessions.

Connor R. Sullivan and his wife have asked a realtor to find Texas Hill Country ranches sale. They would love to find Texas Hill Country land sale.

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